Is Iran safe to travel?
Is Iran safe to travel?
Before traveling to Iran, most tourists have asked this question. Is Iran a safe country to visit? In short, yes of course! Iran is so safe to travel. However, in detail, follow this article.
Unfortunately, western media has made a dark image of Iran. But it’s totally false. It’s either objective lies or misunderstanding. Consequently, tourists are always worried about Iran visit safety. Legal reports claim that Iran is so safe to travel. So as tourists experiencing trips to Iran. They say they felt safe for the excursion, transportation, and accommodation. They even narrate their safe off the beaten treks in Iran. Surprised at first, they enjoyed Iran visit safety.
Iran is so safe to travel, different from the rest of the Middle East
You may have heard news about the Middle East repetitively. Although always stressful, it is a blessed region. Most of the countries in the Middle East are Arabic. But, Iran is the county of Persia people. It is an Islamic country with a great history. As homeland of Persia people, Iran has a rich culture. People are warm and welcoming. There is no racism in Iran. So, travelers of any countries are well treated.
Recently, some of Iran neighbors are evacuee countries. They have shaky governments. Therefore, they are not suitable for tourism. But, Iran has been away from any struggle with these countries. It has made its borderlines security as strong as possible. Therefore, it is a secure, peaceful country.
Stable government guarantees Iran safety
Iran has a powerful and stable government. This is the main reason for Iran Safety. It has an Islamic ruling pattern. There are democratic elections to choose the rulers. As a result, People in Iran have a great unity. They feel devoted and faithful to the government.
There are strong national security services in Iran. They keep the country as safe as possible. There is no invasion of the borders of Iran. Neither neighbors nor terrorist group can reach Iran soil. There are different political parties in Iran. Besides different ideologies, they are united. Altogether, Iran is so safe to travel in the Middle East. Recently, there is an increasing demand for Persia travel. Fortunately, various Iran tour packages are available. One of the commonest is Damavand tour.
International agreements influenced social safety
Iran nuclear program has been the news highlight for a while. In 2015, The JCPoA agreement was signed by Iranian Politicians. This improved Iran government relationship with foreign nations. Hence, Iran gained a better image worldwide. The question ‘is Iran safe to travel’ was answered better. Also, the number of foreign travelers to Iran raised since then.
Sanctions influenced tourism safety
Obviously, the relationship between the Iran government and the US government is dark. Hence, there have been sanctions against Iran government for years. But, the dark relationship and sanctions are just among the governments. Iranians welcome tourists of US and UK with open arms. So you wonder if Iran is safe for US citizens to visit, yes it is. And if they stay away from trouble, they are safe and well respected in Iran.
Iran is so safe to travel, with the lowest crime rate
Iran is generally a safe country. However, there is a low crime rate. As a result, it’s advisable to be conscious. For example, travelers should be careful about pickpocketing. It happens at bazaars and crowded places. Also, it’s suggested not to carry valuable things in public places.
Police and social Security in Iran
Fortunately, on Iran tour you see polices on every corner. They are even armed for safety assurance. In some big, popular cities, there is the Tourist Police. They are to assure Iran visit safety. On the other hand, pay attention to the ‘no photography’ signs. Otherwise, you’ll get into trouble with the police.
Remember to have your passport and Iranian visa with you all the time on your Iran tours. The police might want to check it occasionally. Since the hotel asks for your passport, make sure to have photocopies of it. Also, you may get checked by the police and security forces for drug carrying.
Transportation on your trip to Iran
You can enjoy a safe public transportation system in Iran. Bus and subway network are available in big cities. There is also legitimate ride-sharing companies. The public transportation system does guarantee Iran tourism safety.
Surprisingly, the road trip is rather dangerous in Iran. So as an Iran tour advice, be careful with the cars! Iranians are not many good drivers. They don’t notice road rules. There is a fairly high rate of crashes in Iran. But the good point is Iran is so safe to travel that you can hitchhike easily.
Accommodation safety in Persia traveling
Iran is a safe country to travel which provides a safe atmosphere for tourists. Rather than safe public places, there is safe accommodation for travelers. From 5-star luxurious hotels to a cheap hostel, they are safe. Another thing you can enjoy in Iran is guesthouses. Many people are interested in renting their house to travelers. Iran is a safe place, so it’s not bad advice to trust them. They are not only cheap but also a true sample of Iranian lifestyle. Fortunately, there are plenty of these houses in rural areas. They are safer than the city and the most amazing for sure!
Is Iran Safe to travel for women?
Iran is not only so safe to travel for women, but the safest. As an Islamic country, society respects women particularly. There is gender segregation in public place. There is a different section for women in subway or busses even. Physical contact between men and women in public is not allowed. So, a solo woman traveler will feel safer in Iran.
Iran is so safe to travel, but some parts of the country are suggested not to
It is claimed that Iran is so safe to travel. The numerous travelers who visited Iran confirm Iran safety. Moreover, Iran has a high safety ranking in International websites and magazines. According to a recent article in Independent, Iran as safe as the UK. But the countries sharing borders with Iran are not as much. As a result, some borderlines of Iran are not suitable tourist sites. Some governments have emphasized it on their Iran travel Advice. These areas are near the border of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Iran is so safe to travel
Finally, We hope there would be a time no one even asks ‘Is Iran safe to travel’. The hospitable, warm Iranians like to have more guests. They really care about their international image. And sadly Iran is still the most misunderstood nation in the world. To see videos on this subject we recommend: